9900 Controller

Jetline developed its first GTAW weld control in the 1960’s. The 9900 Controller represents all that experience coupled to a modern, innovative control that gets the job done. The 9900 is an industrial computer with weld hardware modules that use simple interfaces. This allows the operator to employ software driven solutions to his welding procedures.
Large 15” Touch screen panel with industrial PC running Windows TM XP operating system
“Smart” embedded channel modules dedicated for each weld parameter
Ethernet communication protocol for flexibility and speed
Fiber optics connections eliminate interference and vulnerability to high frequency noise
Three software versions are available; to satisfy the basic to the most demanding applications
Standard configuration controls up to 15 channels
Global process control and parameter storage. All process parameters are integrated and controlled from a single easy to access location
Number of stored programs are only limited by available hard disc storage space
User friendly graphical interface; easy programming using industry standard terms
Graphical representation of the parameters during welding
Instant access to the most common process variables
