TriTool 파이프 면취
파이프 면취/절단

300 Series Tube Squaring Equipment

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Working Range
Face (Square)
Straight tube
Electric (AC)
Cordless (DC)
Bench Stand
Quick Lock
Stainless Collets
Storage Case
Standard Special Order


Model 300 MICROFACER™ Tube Squaring Machine

• Cleanroom ready
• Long lasting variable speed cordless DC motor
• Unique cam feed with auto-retract reduces cycle time
• Comes with carrying case, facing bit, quick change saddle set, charger and spare battery

The Model 300 MICROFACER Tube Squaring Tool is designed specifically to prepare tubes for autogenous welding. The 300 MICROFACER will face (square) .125" to .75" (3.2mm to 19.1mm) outside diameter tubing with a wall thickness up to .125" (3.2mm). The 300 MICROFACER accepts its own torque through the saddle clamping system that holds the tube securely while squaring. This standard saddle clamping system requires a straight length of tube .40" (10.2mm) long. The "short perch" [length] saddle clamping system requires a straight length of tube .187" (4.75mm) long. Speed control is provided by a variable speed cordless electric drive. Feed is controlled by a cam actuated feed handle, located at a right angle to the cutter head.


Model 301 Portable Tube Squaring Machine

• 1/8" to 1" Tube Squaring
• Ideal for hand held in-place work
• Full contact collet eliminates tube deflection
• Patented cam feed for smoother operation

One of our first (and still most popular) tube squaring machines, the proven Model 301 has continuously provided the ultimate balance of precision and portability over the years. Constant product improvements has kept the Model 301 the standard of comparison for all tools of this type. The Model 301 now incorporates incremental feed graduation control for squaring to precise lengths. It produces precisely square, burr free ends on this wall tubing in preparation for autogenous tube welding. Dependable performance and ease of use, combined with agility, light weight and rapid cycle times make this venerable tool the machine of choice for advanced tubing system fabrication and maintenance.

The compact Model 301 provides full support OD mounting, self centering collets, and will face (square) 1/8" to 1" OD tubing, with up to .125" (3.2mm) wall thickness. Precise end preps are easily accomplished on a wide variety of materials including steel, stainless steel, titanium, inconel, copper, aluminum, and plastic.

The cutting head accepts squaring bits or a combination of a squaring and a beveling bit. A variable speed electric drive and the ability to perform without damaging the inside of electro-polished tubes makes this tool the ultimate choice for cleanroom applications. Decreasing rate cam feed and feed graduations guarantee repeatable accuracy and consistent tube lengths.

Like many TRI TOOL machines, the Model 301 can be fitted with accessories such as the QC quick collet for higher production. The machines can be bench mounted with an optional baseplate and is available with either electric or pneumatic drive.

Model 301SP Tube and Microfitting Squaring Machine

• 1/8" to 1" Tube and Fitting Squaring
• Straight tube and microfittings with one machine
• Stainless steel 2 piece collets for use on all materials
• Extremely portable for in-place work
• No tools required for operation

The new Model 301 SP was designed specifically as a tube squarer for autogenous welding applications where microfitting, tube assemblies, or the gripping of short perch length tubing is required with maximum portability. Now, you can do straight tube and fittings with one machine. A design extension of our field proven Model 301, our new "quick collet" provides positive grip with as little as 3/16" straight length. The Model 301SP's cutting head accepts the full range of typical 301 style squaring bits. Cleanroom safe, portable or bench mounted, this machine's variable speed, high torque motor delivers excellent finished on all types of materials and exotic alloys without damaging electropolished surfaces. The unit also features excellent visibility and a micrometer type feed indicator in insure precise lengths.

The compact and lightweight Model 301 SP features easy set-up and operation and is designed for 1/8" (25.4mm) outside diameter tubing with a wall thickness up to .125" (3.2mm), (basic pipe sizes 1/4" through 3/4"). The outside diameter mounting range is .125" to 1.050" (3.2mm to 26.7mm). The tool utilizes a precision OD saddle clamp system which securely holds and rounds the tubing for squaring. Positive clamping of the standard saddles is accomplished with as little as .60" (15.2mm) of straight tubing and the short perch saddles require .190" (4.8mm).

Another important feature of the 301 SP is the decreasing rate cam feed which moves the bit forward quickly at the beginning of the feed action and then progressively slower as the tube is engaged, producing up to .200" overall movement. This provides excellent tactile feedback allowing higher precision and more intuitive operation. No tools are required for the operation cycle, and an air clamping system is available for high production uses. If you like our Model 301, you'll love our new 301 SP!

Model 302 Tube Squaring Machine

• Precision Square 3/16" to 2" Tube and Fittings
• Full support OD mounting
• Burr free cutting
• No damage to electropolished surfaces
• Electric drive for cleanroom applications
• EZ saddles and quick feed system
• Micrometer type feed indicator

TRI TOOL set out to produce the perfect companion for automatic welding machinery. Our engineers asked high purity tube welding specialists what features they desired most in a squaring machine. They wanted to match size ranges and clearances with automatic weld heads. They wanted to do both tube and fittings with one machine. The customers spoke - our designers listened. The end result is the new Model 302. After extensive field testing and customer feedback, there's no question why this machine has been received with so much enthusiasm.

Combining the most desirable features for rapid precision autogenous tube welding, the 302's size configuration and capabilities have been optimized for reliability and ease of use. Feature packed, and built TRI TOOL tough, the Model 302 provides the constant precision and time savings our customers have learned they can depend on. Most importantly, you get the accurate, repeatable weld prep results your work demands. Cut it right the first time, every time with the innovative Model 302.

Whether bench mount or portable, no tools are required for operation and straight tube or micro fittings with OD's of 3/16" (4.76mm) to 2" (50.8mm) can be squared with ease. The versatile Model 302 has proven to be a perfect platform for special configuration machines. Due to its heavy duty construction, the 302 can be fitted with air clamping systems. The rugged cast body can be set up for left-hand or right-hand operation. Stainless steel clamping saddles are standard and provide durability and prevent carbon contamination for high purity tubing systems. Find out why the Model 302 is your best choice for automatic tube welding preparation.

Model 304 Tube Squaring Machine

• Precision 1" to 4.5" Tube Squaring
• Broadest size range on the market
• Controllable power and feed for optimum results
• The perfect fab shop unit

Achieve the accuracy of our smaller machines with our larger portable machine for larger pipe or fittings. The Model 304 tube squaring machine will face 1.0" (25.4mm) to 4.5" (114.3mm) OD tubing with wall thickness up to .25" and up to 4.5" OD. This machine is easy to setup the operate and is unsurpassed for consistently accurate and repeatable production results when squaring thin wall tubing.

The Model 304 uses full support OD clamping collets for holding the tubing with minimal distortion. Three ranges of collet adapters and collets are available for the basic machine to cover the full range of applicable pipe size. A precise easy feed system is combined with a dual range, variable speed electric drive to provide optimum RPM and maximum operator control. The cutting head accepts squaring bits alone or in combination with beveling and ID deburring bits for complex preps. The machine will accurately counterbore tubing from .25" to 4.375".

The Model 304 can now be supplied with 2 piece quick collets and short perch length collets as well. For production use, an air clamping system with either hand or foot pedal control make clamping and release almost instantaneous.

Popular for its broad size range, precise burr-free preps. Cleanroom safe. No damage to electropolished ID's. Face stainless steel, inconel, and plastic tubing. Power can be supplied from pneumatic or electric drive for cleanroom applications. When you see how rugged and precise the Model 304 is, you'll understand why it's relied upon for larger tube squaring by so many shops, in so many industries.

Model 306 Tube Squaring Machine

• Precision 1" to 6.625" Tube Squaring
• Broadest size range on the market

The Model 306 tube squaring machine will square 1.0" (25.4mm) to 6.625" (168.3mm) OD tubing with wall thickness up to .250" (6.35mm) OD. This machine is easy to setup the operate and is unsurpassed for consistently accurate and repeatable production results when squaring mid-sized thin-wall tubing.

(Note: This machine is available by special order only)

Model 308 Tube Squaring Machine

• 1"- 8.625" tube squaring
• Collet or saddle clamping available

The largest of our 300 Series tube squaring machines, the Model 308 delivers superior accuracy when working on larger diameter thinwall tubing. Like the smaller 300 Series machines, the Model 308 tube squarer is easy to setup and operate and consistantly delivers perfectly square, burr free end preps to satisfy your most exacting requirements for precision welds.

The Model 308 will square 2.875" (73.025mm) to 8.50" (215.90mm) OD tubing (pipe sizes 2 1/2" through 8") with wall thickness up to .25" through 6 5/8" OD, and up to .125" through 8 5/8" OD. Three ranges of collet adapters and collets are available for the basic machine to cover the full range, and collets are available in various materials for specific applications. When you need superior accuracy in squaring and finishing of large thinwall pipe, depend on the reliable Model 308.

(Note: This machine is available by special order only)


SINCE 1977 진아교역 Jin-A Commerce & Co. 2009